Trains Trains Trains!: Find Your Favourite

Yayınevi: MacMillan

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Big trains, small trains, short trains, long trains . . . which do you like best? Follow fifty colourful trains as they whizz along tracks and through tunnels – up, down, around and back again! Can you find your favourite?

Full of spotting and counting fun, with five trains to find on each page and an exciting fold-out race at the end, this rhyming preschool picture book from Donna David and Nina Pirhonen has been specially developed to encourage pre-reading skills and expand language and vocabulary. With action-packed scenes and fun read-aloud text, 
Trains Trains Trains! is just the ticket for any transport-obsessed toddler!


  • Board book ? : ? 24 pages
  • Reading age ? : ? 2 - 4 years, from customers
  • Dimensions ? : ? 17.78 x 2.54 x 17.78 cm